Lutheran Early Response Team (L.E.R.T.)


LERT’s first obligation is to Lutheran churches in the affected area after a disaster strikes, second to Lutheran church members in the affected area, and third to the general population outside the Lutheran church.

Mission: To provide teams of trained volunteers, serving our churches and communities as part of a disaster outreach ministry, assisting in a collaborated and coordinated response in cooperation and communication with the District Disaster Response Coordinators and Teams.

Goal: To provide local churches with the opportunity to sponsor trained and equipped volunteers who will work in a variety of disaster outreach ministries, such as cleanup and debris removal, basic repair and property protection while working in conjunction with District Disaster Response Coordinators and District Disaster Response Teams.

Pastors of an affected church/area are encouraged to notify the District Office who can in turn notify our LERT Chairman. They can contact the LERT Chairman directly. This would then elicit a response of having one of our team members contact that same pastor/church and make arrangements to come and assess the situation and recommend a fitting response from our LERT volunteers.

Contact Us

Gardner LERT Local Squad Leaders: Mark and Dale


National LERT Page

District LERT Page

Local LERT Page